Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

417 - Degree in Economics

27410 - Microeconomics I

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
27410 - Microeconomics I
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
417 - Degree in Economics
First semester
Subject Type:

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process designed for this course is based on:

  1. Lectures, where the main contents will be presented by the teacher. The student should complement their contents with the recommended bibliography.

  2. Hands-on practices, where students will solve exercises under the guidance of the teacher. The group will be splitted in order to encourage the participation of the students.

  3. The use of the learning management system Moodle (, where teaching materials will be made available.











  • Class attendance
  • Class discussion


CE2, CE5, CE17

CG1, CG5


Practical sessions



  • Class attendance
  • Class discussion
  • Problem solving
  • Case studies



CE2, CE5, CE7, CE17

CG1, CG2, CG5, CG8


Office hours and seminars




  • Office hours and complementary activities


CE2, CE5, CE7, CE17

CG1, CG2, CG5, CG8


Individual work




  • §  Problem solving
  • §  ICT use
  • §  Formal examination prepatarion



CE2, CE5, CE7, CE17

CG1, CG2, CG5, CG8

5.2. Learning tasks

The contents detailed the first in the first sesión will be developed in the lectures and practical sessions.


5.3. Syllabus


The syllabus of the course is in line with the established learning outcomes and is detailed below:



Part I: Introduction

1.  Economics: Definition and scope

1.1. Topics in Microeconomics

1.2. Agents, rationality and equilibrium


Part II:  Consumer demand theory

2.  Preferences, utility and budget constraint

2.1. Comsumption set and preferences

2.2. Utility function

2.3. Marginal rate of substitution

2.4. Budget constraint


3. Consumer behavior

3.1. Equilibrium

3.2. Individual demand function

3.3. Demand curves and Engel curve

3.4. Price elasticities and income elasticity

3.5. Classification of goods and demands


4.  Individual and aggregate demand functions

4.1. Substitution and income effects

4.2. Consumer surplus

4.3. Adding invidual demands


5.  Extensions

5.1. Revealed preference

5.2. Labor-leisure choice

5.3. Intertemporal choice

5.4. Uncertainty


Parte III:  Firm theory


6. Production

6.1. Production set and production function

6.2. Technical rate of substitution

6.3. Returns to scale

6.4. Average product and marginal product


7. Cost minimization and profit maximization

7.1. Cost minimization

7.2. Conditional factor demand functions

7.3. Cost function

7.4. Short run and long run costs

7.5. Profit maximization

5.4. Course planning and calendar

To be determined in each group.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources


  • Pindyck, R. S. y D. L. Rubinfeld, 2013. Microeconomía. Ed. Prentice-Hall, Madrid. 8ª Edición.



  • Varian, H. R., 2015. Microeconomía intermedia. Ed. Antoni Bosch, Barcelona. 9ª Edición.

  • Varian, H. R., 2015. Ejercicios de Microeconomía intermedia. Ed. Antoni Bosch, Barcelona. 9ª Edición.



  • Frank, R. H., 2009. Microeconomía intermedia. Ed. McGraw-Hill, Madrid. 7ª Edición.

  • Gravelle, H. y R. Rees, 2005. Microeconomía. Ed. Pearson, Madrid. 3ª Edición.

  • Nicholson, W., 2006. Microeconomía intermedia. Principios básicos y aplicaciones. Ed. Thomson, Madrid. 9ª Edición.